Well, folks, this is it: the blog assignment has officially ended. I would ask where the semester went, but I am still struggling to accept the fact that it is November when just yesterday it was early October.
I am not 100% sure where I am going with this post, apart from saying that I'm kind of sad that the blog assignment is over. There is nothing quite like a deadline to kick me into action, although a large chunk of such work is often churned out at the last minute. I cannot tell you how many blogs I have started and then abandoned due to a lack of time--one of my classmates postulated that this particular habit of mine may be responsible for the fact that so many blog names are already taken. This seems like a reasonable theory to me. The part of this assignment that I really liked was the fact that I had to keep writing because it was an assignment for school. And if I don't do an assignment for school, I will get a bad grade in the class and NEVER GET INTO HARVARD.
(Note: Apart from a brief period in kindergarten when I believe that I was going to go to Harvard and have a dual career as the first woman president and a fashion model, I have never had serious Ivy League ambitions. Interestingly, this has had little effect on my internal logic in regard to academic performance).
But now the assignment is over and my continued posts have no weight on my academic career. My intent is to keep on posting about library-related things because this is a topic that I enjoy talking about. However, I feel obligated to warn readers that I have a terrible track record for this sort of thing. Taylor Swift could have written "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" about my relationship with blogs, although to be fair, my breaking up and getting back together with blogs is less reflective of an inability to commit and more of a symptom of a busy schedule.
Anyway, the point is that just because the assignment is over does not mean that the blog has to end. Given my track record, I'm reluctant to make promises about how this time it will be different, but I can promise to try my best. Hopefully, you'll hear from me soon.
I'll do it if you do it...